Video: JEWS WILL MAKE THE WHITE KIDS SICK: Awesome little White American boy (12) – There are only 2 Genders

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European Outlook
This is a website run by an excellent British man that I know who is a true racialist. He puts out good, solid content.

[I keep warning White parents everywhere: Get your children the hell away from JEWS and LIBERALS. They will destroy your children's minds. I'm convinced that Jewish mental nonsense is so bad for children and even adults that it harms people PHYSICALLY and makes them sick. e.g. suicidal, or obese, etc. Here is this little White boy talking in a totally sane way. The mere fact that this type of discussion IS EVEN NEEDED in America should show you how SICK America is. But the sickness is not inside White Americans. The SICKNESS comes from JEWS and their anti-natural, anti-reality BS about life. These are demented cretins who are themselves MENTALLY ILL and DELUSIONAL. Jews are DELUSIONAL garbage. They bring their mental illness to you! They RUIN CHILDREN. Jews will bugger up your child's entire life. The more I watch young Whites, both boys and girls, regardless of whether they are very young or teenagers, etc. They are happy and healthy. There is nothing wrong with them. It is when Jews and Jew-related mental crap is foisted on the children that their minds are rotted away by this Jewish garbage which should be flushed down the nearest toilet. What we need is a Hitler Youth – for boys and girls – adapted of course for modern life because we are all softened and weak by capitalism. We need to remain healthy with our minds focused on REALITY. Get the Jewish creeps as far away from us, and especially from the CHILDREN as possible. Jan]

Listen to this totally sane, healthy White American boy:

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2002: 60 of Blacks said life under Apartheid was better
This is a story from Britain on my African Crisis Archive. Of course life was better under Apartheid, but nobody wants to admit that White rule was better. In 2023, Blacks are still realising this truth, but few dare say it.

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