Russia’s bloodiest war since WW2 … more Russians dead in 4 months than 10 years in Aghanistan

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I’m monitoring the war in Ukraine all the time, mainly because of my interest in military tactics. But I must tell you, the Russians have paid a serious price. In 4 months of fighting the Russian army has probably lost more than twice the number of troops they lost in Afghanistan.

Both sides are lying about their actual death tolls. But I think it can be said with the utmost safety that more Russians have died in 4 months in Ukraine than died in 10 years in Afghanistan. It’s very possible that they’ve even lost TWICE as many dead in 4 months than they lost in 10 years in Afghanistan.

The numbers of weapons the Ukrainians are getting are not as much as is needed. The heavy weapons they’re getting are not much.

I have pointed out that the key point to take stock of the war is 6 months into it. We’re still 2 months away from the 6 month mark. At the 6 month mark, both sides will be very tired. We’ll see who has the most will to fight at that point in time.

Where Russia has done well is holding on to the south and blockading the Ukrainian ports. That has been their greatest military success.

But the reality about the war is that this never was about politics. It is about the insanely enormous gas finds in Eastern Ukraine from 2012. That’s the whole reason why all this political upheaval in Ukraine started to begin with. The British may even be the ones pushing the USA into this. The British have played a big, aggressive role there.

Whatever the Russians win, will just be piles of rubble. This is the correct way to fight your enemy. Give your enemy nothing except a pile of rubble. We should have done that with the Blacks.

The Ukrainians might have recaptured quite a lot more territory in the last 2 months than the Russians conquered. At this time, the Ukrainians are busy seizing quite a lot of territory in the south around Kherson.

The Russians are paying a huge price that they never expected.

The Ukrainians have also had a lot of losses. This is no game. But, the Russians are definitely coming off the worst.

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