Is John Kerry Jewish in any way?
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Afrikaanse Boeke op AfricanCrisis
Hier is ‘n paar boeke wat jy nie in gewone liberale winkels sal kry nie!
Afrikaanse Boeke op AfricanCrisis
Hier is ‘n paar boeke wat jy nie in gewone liberale winkels sal kry nie!
[I have long detested Kerry. But I've never found any information or indication that he's Jewish. Someone sent me this, but I'm not sure how reliable this is. Jan]
Kerry is an Edomite Jew, as we all know.
John’s paternal grandparents were Austro-Hungarian Jewish immigrants who converted to Catholicism
Mayorkas is an Edomite Jew.
His father was of Cuban Jewish background and his mother a Romanian Jew whose family fled to Cuba.
Avril Haines; Edomite Jew Bitch
Biden’s hooked nose Mama would be so proud of her confessed extortionist.
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The guy who does these cartoons is a Boer. This says it all.